The late Seena Frost (1932-2016) was the founder of SoulCollage®. I was honored to be trained as a SoulCollage® Facilitator by Seena in 2014. So what is SoulCollage®? We are the One and the Many. We are one whole person comprised of a great many parts of soul that make us whole.
SoulCollage® (collaging from the soul), is a self discovery process that involves intuitively (and sometimes intentionally) picking out images and gluing them onto card stock/matte board, creating a deck of cards that are all the same size (5x8 recommended). This beautiful process provides a way for us to explore, learn about and heal ourselves. The purpose is to ultimately get to know and to embrace ourselves fully. This promotes self acceptance and personal empowerment.
There is just so much magic in picking images, gluing them on matte board, then journaling.
Imagery has the power to tap into the wisdom that is already within us and helps us to articulate and put words to feelings and emotions held deep inside at a cellular level. We all have the wisdom within us, we just sometimes need a little help to guide it out.
SoulCollage® is a beautiful way to become acquainted with ourselves and allows opportunities to grow and strengthen that inner love of all parts that make the whole.
If you find interest in learning more about this incredible self discovery process, I offer personalized SoulCollage® telehealth sessions. I also offer SoulCollage® groups in person and via telehealth. Please contact me for further information.
I will periodically share a card and reading from my own process. This Card to the right is titled: Soul Essence created and read on 10/24/24
"I am light and love. I feel all the energy around me. I am energy. I am mesmerized by the beauty in nature, the little wonders that are happening every second. I love to just get lost in those wonders, where time doesn't exist. In those moments, I am the most awake I could ever feel. These awakenings get to happen time and time again when I slow down long enough to welcome them.
I am free and full of life, full of energy, color, gratitude. I am wise and also humbled by this gift, the gift of everlasting soulful energy. I am the one and many. I am Soul Essesnce."
For further information on SoulCollage ®, I recommend the book: "SoulCollage ® Evolving: An Intuitive Collage Process for Self-Discovery and Community." By Seena Frost.
Also, I devote a chapter to SoulCollage® in my book: "All You Need Is What You Have: Using Your 5 Senses Creatively to Move Through Grief."
Also, you will find wonderful resources and a beautiful video about SoulCollage ® at